
Monday, July 19, 2010

Silver Linings

There are days when you kick against the obstacles and frustrations. It's hot and steamy, after a long day's work; the hose keeps jumping out of the bucket, as you water your parched dry garden; the dog insists on lying right in front of the back door, and the mosquitoes are biting your bare arms. The replacement pump you just bought for the tiny fountain is too powerful - another trip to Lowes! The weedeater that's taken several days to try and fix still doesn't work, and then you snap the fine plastic tubing for the fuel line and you're screwed for one more day (or two).  My cool has gone, and I kick the weedeater with a few choice words, now suddenly angry that Bill dared to leave me to manage all this chaos on my own. It's a good thing no-one is here to witness this tantrum. And then, in one brief turn of my head, God captures my gaze heavenward, and the frustration snap freezes and slides off like melting ice.

Wow! Wispy cirrus clouds paint the sky in feathered brush strokes, and jets blaze silver trails, straight as an arrow, wings glinting in the sun. I stand in awe at this spectacular sky, feet planted in the open field, reminded instantly of all the reasons I wanted to fly. Silently thanking Bill for opening up this world to me, where we chased the clouds and soared with eagles, and watched the earth and sky turn as we played in unrestrained abandon in our sleek fiberglass sailplanes. I am no longer earthbound. One glance, and I'm up there, free as a bird.

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